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Why should we pray? How does God answer prayer? In Prayer and the Prayer Meeting, Mackintosh provides a thorough scriptural analysis of the key texts on prayer, including the ways in which Jesus prays, along with his instructions to the disciples to do the same. Mackintosh uses these texts to determine the basis and function of prayer, especially corporate prayer. He provides instruction for...

enwraps the place? Assuredly not. If not, what then? Let us, even if there be but two who really feel the condition of things, get together, with one accord, and pour out our hearts to God. Let us wait on Him in holy concord, with united, firm purpose, until He send a copious shower of blessing upon the barren spot. Let us not fold our arms and vainly say, “The time is not come.” Let us not yield to that pernicious offshoot of a one-sided theology, which is rightly called fatalism, and say, “God
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